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10 FREE Ways To Practice Self-Care At Home

It’s important that no matter what is going on in life, at work or at home, we prioritise at least a portion of our day to practice self-care. Of course, going to the spa, gym etc are great but if you’re low on funds or time then they’re not always accessible.

We’ve put together a list of 10 ways that you can practice self-care at home, for free. Please leave a message in the comments with your favourite ways to practice self-care.

Have a sing-song.

Seriously, there is nothing that will make you feel better than turning up the music and having a good old sing. It doesn’t matter if you can’t hit those Whitney Houston high notes, so long as you belt out the tunes and throw in a few little dance moves, you’ll feel a ton better instantly.

Get planning.

Is there something you want to do or somewhere you want to go? If so get your notebook out, open up your web browser and get planning. So what if you can’t go or do it for a while, getting all the information together will keep you focussed and looking forward to the future ahead.

Have a nap.

Napping is one of the best ways to take care of yourself. Whether you want to go for a quick cat nap or a nice long sleep, pull the blinds closed and snuggle down for a bit of slumber time. You’ll feel refreshed and must more alert when you wake up and rejoin the world.

Switch up your make up.

Whether you’re working in an office, working from home or it’s just Sunday morning, get YouTube open and watch some makeup tutorials and give yourself a makeover. Sometimes it’s fun to get out of the usual routine and experiment.

Drink water.

YES, it’s boring but when you’re hydrated you’ll notice some serious benefits. Brain fog will be lifted, your skin will look amazing and you’ll just feel better. So get yourself a reminder on your phone to keep your water levels topped up throughout the day.

Watch a TED Talk.

There are thousands upon thousands of TED talks online so whatever inspires you, gets you motivated and feeling like your best self – it will be on there. Find something you love and settle down and watch it.

Give yourself a compliment.

When was the last time you thought something great about yourself? I’m willing to bet it was quite some time ago. So stand in front of your mirror and tell yourself something great, ABOUT YOU. Some good starting tips are what would you want your best mate to tell someone about you if they were to introduce you for the first time? You are SMART, you are GORGEOUS, YOU ARE CAPABLE.

Have a clear out.

We are all guilty of hoarding too many clothes or items, so do yourself a favour and embrace your inner Marie Kondo. If it doesn’t spark joy then sell it or donate it to charity.

Curate your own set of playlists.

The brilliant thing about apps like Spotify is that you’re your own DJ. So set yourself up with some mega playlists based on your moods. For example; I have one for when I need to concentrate on work, for when I want to have a pick me up, for when I want to belt out some tunes – whatever mood cycle you go through, there’s a playlist you can use.

Go walking.

Exercise doesn’t all have to be about pumping iron in the gym or getting sweaty running around a field. The best form of exercise can be simply going for a long walk. Just walking at your own pace and to your own beat. Half hour walk will make you feel happier, healthier and have more clarity.